Senin, 19 Oktober 2015


Oleh : Nova sriwinarni,S.Pd
Guru SMP Negeri 2 Soko Tuban

Belajar bahasa berarti mempelajari 4 kemampuan yang berbeda, mendengar, membaca, berbicara dan menulis. Begitu mendengar nama bahasa Inggris siswa sering kali berpendapat bahwa bahasa Inggris merupakan pelajaran yang menakutkan. Terutama untuk speaking skill, kurangnya keberanian siswa dalam berbicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris menjadi salah satu penyumbang rendahnya prestasi belajar siswa dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Untuk mengucapakan kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris itu bukan merupakan hal yang mudah, jika dipaksa yang keluar suara siswa terdengar sangat pelan.
Ketika ditanyakan mengapa? Alasan mereka takut salah, takut ditertawakan teman – teman. Alasan lainnya mereka tidak tahu kalimat apa yang harus diucapkan. Oleh karena itu sebagai guru merasa perlu untuk mengkreasikan proses pembelajaran yang menarik minat siswa agar berani mengucapkan kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris sekaligus dengan mudah memahami materi yang dipelajari.
Pada saat membaca artikel yang ada di website…/bahasa Inggris dengan judul “speaking through vocamino” yang di tulis oleh Hamsah (communication specialist program USAID PRIORITAS) dan telah di lakukan oleh Drs. Heriyanto, guru bahasa Inggris SMP Negeri 3 Palopo. Kartu vocamino digunakan untuk meningkatkan kosakata siswa SMP Negeri 3 Palopo, maka penulis mempunyai gagasan menggunakan kartu “Express – card” untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan keberanian berbicara siswa kelas 7 SMP Negeri 2 soko untuk KD 9.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi pendapat, menyatakan suka dan tidak suka, meminta klarifikasi, merespon secara interpersonal.
“Express – Card” merupakan satu set kartu yang terdiri dari 32 kartu, 8 kartu ungkapan meminta pendapat, 8 kartu member pendapat dalam bahasa Inggris, dan 16 kartu yang merupakan makna ungkapan tersebut (secara leksikal) dalam bahasa Indonesia. “Express – card” terbuat dari kertas duplex. Dibuat menggunakan kertas tersebut karena lebih tebal dan tidak mudah rusak, sehingga dapat digunakan berulangkali. Selain satu set kartu juga di siapkan lembaran blanko yang berisi kolom – kolom kosong yang digunakan siswa untuk menuliskan ungkapan – ungkapan yang telah pelajari dari “Express – Card”.
Dinamakan Express – Card karena digunakan untuk mengekspresikan berbagai ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris.
Langkah – langkah kegiatan :
1. Siswa membentuk kelompok beranggotakan 4 orang.
2. Masing – masing siswa memegang 8 kartu.
3. Tiap siswa meletakkan kartu diatas meja secara bergiliran. Siswa pertama meletakkan kartu dalam bahasa Iggris sambil membacanya dengan keras, siswa yang berikutnya harus meletakkan kartu dalam bahasa Indonesia yang merupakan makna dari kartu sebelumnya, begitu seterusnya sampai kartu habis. Pada saat semua kartu sudah terbuka semua lalu kelompok tersebut mengucapkan “English is easy” secara bersama – sama.
4. Setelah selesai kemudian mengambil blanko yang disiapkan untuk menuliskan ungkapan yang telah mereka pelajari beserta maknanya kedalam kolom yang ada. Setelah itu menempelkannya di blue board.
5. Setelah semua kelompok selesai menempelkan blanko di blue board, guru bersama siswa membahas materi meminta dan memberi pendapat, sehingga siswa mengetahui kekurangan atau kesalahan mereka pada saat mengucapkan ataupun memasangkan ungkapan dengan maknanya.
6. Di akhir pelajaran siswa secara berpasangan membuat dialog meminta dan memberi pendapat berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan.
Pada proses awal penggunaan Express – Card jika di temukan beberapa siswa yang masih terlihat enggan dalam membaca dengan keras kalimat yang ada dalam kartu maka guru hendaknya terus memotivasi siswa agar langkah – langkah pelaksanaannya sesuai dengan rencana sehingga diperoleh hasil yang maksimal sesuai dengan waktu yang di tentukan.
Setelah penggunaan “Express – card” diharapkan menambah kosakata siswa sehingga dapat meningkatkan keberanian siswa dalam berbicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris serta memperkuat pemahaman siswa dalam meminta dan memberi pendapat dengan menyenangkan. Selain itu Express – card juga bisa dimodifikasi untuk berbagai ungkapan yang lainnya.#

Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2015



Choose A,B,C or D for correct answer.
Text for no 1

1.       The notice means that you ….               (UN tp. 14/15)
A.      Are suggested to check out at 12 o’clock to get additional charge
B.      Will pay extra bill when checking out after 12 o’clock
C.      Are not allowed to check out after 12 o’clock
D.      Have to check out after 12 o’clock

This text is for no 2

2.       What does the text mean? (UN tp. 14/15)
A.      The container will be carried to the front yard.
B.      You must not park in front of the container
C.      Container is not allowing to park here
D.      This parking area is for cars only.

This text is for no 3

Only one piece of hand bag is allowed in the aircraft cabin

3.       The notice above means ….             (UN tp. 14/15)
A.      We must bring a handbag.
B.      We may only take one bag.
C.      We must put our luggage in the cabin.
D.      We can leave our baggage in the terminal building.

This text is for no 4 - 5 

Dear Fadly,
Congratulations. You’ve made it and you’ve accomplished the goal. Your dream has come true. You’re one happy soul. Wishes for a bright future in whatever plans you make. Hope the way is bright on the path you take.
4.       We can infer from the text that ….
A.      Irena’s dream comes true.
B.      The goal must be accomplished.
C.      Irena reaches the best achievement.
D.      Irena shows her compliment to Fadly.
5.       “ … you’ve made it. You’ve accomplished the goal”.
The underlined word is closest in meaning to …
A.      Brought
B.      Achieved
C.      Dedicated
D.      Experienced

This text is for no 6 - 7 
Dear Rara,
Congratulations on your success in the news Reading Contest 2015. You are best of the best. It was a tough final round, but you could beat the other participant. Awesome! I’m proud of you. I’m sure more successes will come in the future.
6.       From the text, we know that ….
A.      Rara and Tina are both finalists and winners of the contest.
B.      Tina is optimistic about Rara’s future achievements.
C.      Tina is proud and awesome person.
D.      Rara is wishing Tina more successes.
7.       “It was a tough final round, … “
The underlined word is closest in meaning to …
A.      Very difficult
B.      Quite diligent
C.      Rather familiar
D.      Really friendly

This text is for no 8 - 9 
Hi, Jannah!
There is a good comedy film on the movie. It starts at 7.30 p.m. tomorrow evening. I really want to watch it and will be happy if you join me. If you agree to go, meet me at Toby’s café an hour before the film starts.

8.       Who will wait in Toby’s café?
A.      Alysa’s cousin
B.      Alysa’s friend
C.      Jannah
D.      Alysa
9.       “ … will be happy if you join me.”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to …
A.      Watch
B.      Follow
C.      Cooperate
D.      Accompany

This text is for no 10 - 11

Dear Bryan,
Remember you won’t pass the final examination unless you study harder. Do your best son.
10.    What does Bryan’s mother want him to do?
A.      To remember the final exam.
B.      To pass the final exam.
C.      To do the final exam.
D.      To study harder.
11.    “Remember you won’t pass the …”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to...
A.      Finish
B.      Succeed
C.      Perform
D.      Complete

12.  Students … wear uniform when they are in the school.
A.     Should                         C. shouldn’t
B.     Must                             D. mustn’t
13.  Students … throw rubbish everywhere.
A.      Should                         C. shouldn’t
B.     Must                             D. mustn’t

Read the e-mail and answer questions 14 and 15

 Date    : wed, 11 August 2015
To: Andy
Subject: Suit shopping

Hi Andy,
I’ve got to go shopping this weekend to get a new suit. I need a formal jacket and trousers because there’s a family wedding next month. My mum has let me chose one for myself. Can you go shopping with us? I need your help to choose a good one for me. We could go to that new shopping centre. My mum will take us – she could pick you up at your house at ten. 
14.    Why does Brian invite Andy to go shopping?
A.      He wants to show Andy the new shopping centre.
B.      Andy is going to attend a wedding next month
C.      His mum has invited Andy to come with them.
D.      He needs Andy’s help in choosing a good suit.

15.    From the letter, we know that …
A.      Brian asks Andy to come to a family wedding together
B.      They will go to the shopping centre with Brian’s mother
C.      Andy will be picked up at ten to go to the family wedding
D.     Brian has chosen one jacket for himself for the family

This text is for no 16 - 17
 Dear Tara,
How’s everything? We just come back from our vacation in Jakarta. It was really interesting. I really like our capital city.
We went to Jakarta by airplane. It was my first experience you know. On the first day, we checked in the hotel. Then, we went to taman Mini Indonesia Indah.
On the second day, we went to monas. We had so much fun and enjoyed ourselves there. I got many experiences during my holiday. I learned a lot about our cultures.

16.    Why was it really interesting for the writer to go Jakarta?
A.      It was the first time for her.
B.      She likes the capital city of Jakarta.
C.      There is Monas in Jakarta.
D.      She just come back from her vacation
17.    From the letter above, we can conclude that Fitria was … with her visits to Jakarta.
A.      Bored
B.      Anxious
C.      Nervous
D.      Satisfied

 This text is for no 18 - 19

Rasha +629798999831
I am still at the railway station now. I planned to go to Yogya, but I got a traffic jam. By the time I arrived, the train had already left. I think I’d better go home now; can you pick me up now?

18.    Where was Lona when she sent message?
A.      In Yogyakarta
B.      On the train
C.      On the traffic jam
D.      At the railway station
19.    “… but I got a traffic jam.”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to…
A.      Had
B.      Felt
C.      Enjoyed
D.      Traveled.

This text is for no 20 - 23
A basic recipe for fried rice
·         2 large eggs
·         4 tablespoons cooking oil, or as required
·         1 teaspoon salt                          
·         1 – 2 tablespoon light soy sauce or oyster sauce
·         Salt and pepper to taste           
·         3 cups cooked rice
1.       Lightly beat the eggs with salt and pepper
2.       Heat a wok and add 2 tablespoons of cooking oil when the oil is hot, add the eggs
3.       Stir until lightly scrambled but not too dry. Remove the eggs and wash the wok
4.       Add another 2 tablespoons of cooking oil, add the rice and stir – fry for a few minutes, using a wooden spatula add soy sauce as desired
5.       Add the scrambled eggs back into the pan, mix thoroughly. Serve hot.

20.    What is the text about?
A.      How to make a basic recipe
B.      How to make fried rice
C.      To describe fried rice
D.      To describe a basic recipe
21.    How many ingredients do we use to make it?
A.      Seven                                     C. nine
B.      Eight                                       d. ten
22.    What should you do before stir until lightly scrambled?
A.      Lightly beat the eggs with salt and pepper
B.      Add another 2 tablespoons of cooking oil
C.      Heat a wok and add 2 tablespoons of cooking oil
D.      Add the scrambled eggs back into the pan
23.    What is the last step?
A.       Lightly beat the eggs with salt and pepper
B.      Add another 2 tablespoons of cooking oil
C.     Heat a wok and add 2 tablespoons of cooking oil
D.      Add the scrambled eggs back into the pan, mix thoroughly

This text is for no 24 - 27
1 cucumber                           : peeled
1 papaya                                               : cut into ½ inch cubes
1 pineapple                           : cut into ½ inch cubes, fresh or canned pineapple
1 apple tart                           : cut into ½ inch cubes
1 mango                                                : peeled, cubed
3 tablespoons peanuts        : roasted
1 hot chili peppers               : seeded, slices
¼ cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon tamarind             : dissolved in ½ cup water, strained

1.       Mix all the fruit together
2.       Grind chilies and salt
3.       Add brown sugar
4.       Add dry roasted peanuts and grind them
5.       Add tamarind liquid
6.       Mix the sauce and fruit together
7. Serve chilled 

24.    What is the purpose of the text?
A.      To retell about Rujak buah story
B.      To describe Rujak buah
C.      To tell how to make Rujak buah
D.      To entertain reader with  Rujak buah
25.    What is the closest meaning of “liquid”?
A.      Fluid                                       C. concentrate
B.      Solid                                       D. dense
26.    What should you do with the peanuts before we grind them?
A.      Add brown sugar
B.      Add dry roasted peanuts
C.      Mix all the fruit together
D.      Mix the sauce and fruit together
27.    What should be dissolved?
A.      Sugar                                      C. pineapple
B.      Pepper                                    D. tamarind

This text is for no 28 - 29
If a spider bites you, you should
1.        Clean and wash the wound immediately with soap and water and disinfectant it with an antiseptic
2.        Apply an ice pack to slow the absorption of venom
3.        Moisten the wound with water
4.        Rub the wound with aspirin powder to neutralize the poison
5.        Avoid the fourth step if you are allergic to aspirin

28.    What is the purpose of the text?
A.      To tell about how to treat spider beat
B.      To tell about description of spider beat
C.      To tell about story of spider beat
D.      To tell about information spider beat
29.    “Clean and wash the wound immediately with soap…” what is the underlined word closest meaning?
A.      Later                                       C. wait
B.      Soon                                       D. future

This text is for no 30 -31
Hard paper, sticker, coloring pens
1.       Fold the paper into two
2.       Decorated the front page with stickers
3.       Open the paper
4.       Write the name of the receiver of the card at the top centre with coloring pens
5.       Then, write your message in the centre part of the top
6.       Don’t forget to write your message in the name of the sender below the message
7.        Your greeting card is ready to send

30.    What is the text about?
A.      How to send a greeting card
B.      How to give a greeting card
C.      How to buy a greeting card
D.      How to make a greeting card
31.    How many ingredients do we need?
A.      One                                         C. three
B.      Two                                        D. four

This text is for no 32 - 35
*1 cup of rice       *3 screw pine leaves           *salt to taste                  *2 cup thick coconut milk
a.       First, clean the rice and drain the water until it is clear
b.       Then, add 2 cups of thick coconut milk, screw pine leaves and salt to the rice
c.        You can also add sliced onions and ginger (to taste)
d.       Cook the rice for one hour
e.        Finally serve the rice with sliced hard – boiled eggs, cucumber slices and sambal ikan Bilis

32.                What is the text about?
A.      How to make Sambal Ikan Bilis
B.      How to make coconut milk
C.      How to make nasi lemak
D.      How to make a cup of rice
33.                What should you do before cook the rice?
A.      You can also add sliced onions and ginger
B.      add 2 cups of thick coconut milk
C.      serve the rice with sliced hard – boiled eggs
D.      add screw pine leaves and salt to the rice
34.                “Clean the rice and drain the water until it is clear” what does the word “it” refer to?
A.      Coconut                                C. rice
B.      Pine                                        D. salt
35.                How many rice do we need?
A.      3 Screw                          C. 2 cup
B.      1 cup                              D. 2 Screw

This text is for no 36 - 40
Crispy Hash Brown Recipe
3 tbsp olive oil, canola oil or grape seed oil
1 lb Russell backing potatoes, peeled and grated, salt and pepper.
1.      Heat 3 tbsp of oil in a large frying pan on medium heat.
2.     Squeeze out as much moisture as you can from the grated potatoes. It’s easier to do this with potatoes ricer. If you don’t have it, you can use paper towel to squeeze it.
3.     Add the grated potatoes on the hot frying pan; spread them out along the bottom of the pan. Sprinkle some salt and pepper on the potatoes. If they have been fried to golden brown, they are ready for a flip. Continue to cook until they are golden brown on the bottom. Put them on the serving plate. Serve for 4 people.

36.    What should we do first to make crispy hash brown?
A.      Heat 3 tbsp of oil in a large frying pan
B.      Squeeze out as much moisture as you can
C.      Add the grated potatoes on the hot pan
D.      Put them on the serving plate
37.    How many portions can we serve based on the recipe above?
A.      1 portion                                C. 3 portion
B.      2 portion                                D. 4 Portion
38.    “Squeeze out as much moisture as you can ” (step 2).
The word “moisture” is closest in meaning to ….
A.      Water                                     C. splash
B.      Lotion                                    D. remain
39.    “If you don’t have it,” (step 2). What does the underlined word refer to?
A.      Frying pan                             C. paper towel
B.      Potatoes ricer                        D. serving plate
40.    What is the purpose of the text?
A.      To show how to make Crispy Hash Brown
B.      To show how to buy Crispy Hash Brown
C.      To describe about Crispy Hash brown
D.      To retell about Crispy Hash brown

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